
Saying Yes To Japan: How Outsiders Are Reviving A Trillion Dollar Services Market

Saying Yes To Japan: How Outsiders Are Reviving A Trillion Dollar Services Market

人気ランキング : 40,003位
定価 : ¥ 1,797
販売元 : Vertical Inc
発売日 : 2005-04

価格 商品名 納期
¥ 1,528 Saying Yes To Japan: How Outsiders Are Reviving A Trillion Dollar Services Market 通常24時間以内に発送

I have found most books concerning "foreigners" or "foreigners running businesses" in Japan to be either overly pedagogical, overly repetitive, or downright depressing. Kudos to Carl Kay, Tim Clark and the editors. They have done a marvelous job putting together a fast-paced book, rich with facts and unique insights on real "gaijin" success stories. And, it's not about the typical white, Anglo-Saxon corporate raider from New York City. We hear feel-good stories of Chinese and Indian entrepreneurs, too. I couldn't put the book down. Order it now and you'll end up recommending it to your friends, as I have.

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Copyright 2005 1980age 〜1989年〜 All rights reserved.
BenBenのWealth Master創生日記 
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