
Judge Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the Discipline of International Law: Opinions on the International Court of Justice, 1961-1973 (Judges, Vol 3)

Judge Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the Discipline of International Law: Opinions on the International Court of Justice, 1961-1973 (Judges, Vol 3)

人気ランキング : 位
定価 : ¥ 20,032
販売元 : Martinus Nijhoff
発売日 : 1998-03

価格 商品名 納期
¥ 22,035 Judge Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the Discipline of International Law: Opinions on the International Court of Justice, 1961-1973 (Judges, Vol 3) 通常3〜5週間以内に発送

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